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Friday, August 22, 2008

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people will have to state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.

01. If r lover betrayed , will r reaction be?
(I will dump him on the spot, shoe no mercy..... dun care bout him.)
02. If can have a dream to come true, would it be?
(be an interior designer)
03. What will want r dream wedding to be like?
(being able to play games at the same time......perhaps in an arcade?)
04. Are confused as to lies ahead of ?
05. What is r ideal lover like ?
( not an irritating person)
06. Which is more blessed?
(playing games?)
07. How long do intend to wait for someone really love?
( i dun care?)
08. If the person secretly like is already attached, would do?
( ermms.........i dun experience this.... but i think iwill just forget him)
09. Is there anything that has made unhappy these days?
( of course!)
10. Is being tagged fun?

11. How do see rself in 10 years time?
(playing games again? perhaps?)
12. Who are currently the most important people to ?
(myself.........and my friends)
13. What kind of person do think the one who tagged is?
(heeeeeeee... dun know)
14. Would rather be rich and single or married but poor?
(i always wanted to be single)
15. Whats the first thing do every morning?
(wake up......brush my teeth.wash my TV)
16. Would give all in a relationship?
(maybe.if he is really devoted in the relationship)
17. If fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would pick?
(see who got more game consoles for me to plat with)
18. What type of friends do like?
19. What type of friends do dislike?
(idiots.irritating cools.act cutes.)
Tagged to quiz : Yenling, bjorn, xinna........
Huimn.why ask me do quiz?


大家好,第一以华文来写簿落各......................... Don't blame me! My chinese like ...dun know what.... Hehe..... 230808.. chatting with jiajing, huimin,joreen and xinna! So fun! I mean so funny.........


Friday, August 15, 2008




what the hack............................
Heys, not so serious lahz. Today alone at home, nothing to do. Play computer loh. Life is boring................................... Went to the doctor earlier on, caught a cold. I went for oral still. Heys.............. I had read the whole Harry potter book in 2 days.....(deathly hallows) So interesting.......... (When i had been adicted to Harry Potter?) For goodness sake, huimin i don't 'lurbsipencil"........... Change my target. Try guessing.............


Friday, August 1, 2008

hah! Huimin helps me change blogskin! The blogskin i choose one! Very nice! Lol
1 must thank huimin...................... she so helpful. I think she's the angel that god sent me!!!!!!!!!! To all friends of huimin: Do appreciate her! She's really a true friend! Hahs, huimin are you touched?
