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Friday, October 16, 2009

It had been weeks since the last common test. I don’t understand, but I feel weird, like there’s something empty inside me. All I can do at home is to watch television programmes and more television programmes. School’s quite boring too, had skating lessons yesterday. Games Carnival didn’t perk me up. Yes, I played Captain’s Ball, along with Abigail and a bunch of friends. Didn’t really win, or should I say we lost terribly. This brings back memories. We had a Captain’s Ball competition last year too. Okay, we lost terribly too. Can’t remember, but I’m sure we lost. But last year’s match was more exhilarating, more tension. Don’t know how to explain, but I think I’m starting to miss my primary friends....again. I think I should change the topic. Oh, floorball was a mess too. It’s seriously not our class’ fault, but the teachers’. Like hello, you can’t place your both feet in the goalpost, didn’t you read the instructions? I am also very pissed off with you! You saw that and you continued allowing them to cheat? The worst part was that you said it’s okay, but it’s not! Whatever, I don’t really care. Sick, walked in the rain and alas, I fell sick. Weakling. Even if we didn’t win, Purity still rocks!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

I still can't believe it! He is Zuko? Are you seriously playing a trick on me? Is this a joke? If it is, it's not funny! Even though you are selected, you will not replace him in my mind! You are nothing like him! NOTHING! Do I make myself clear? So scram and make someone else do it! You are not going to spoil his reputation! He is way cooler than you and that's that! So you might as well give up!
